My sons photographic debut

7 08 2008

We were on vacation last week I was sitting in the back with the boys my oldest boy asked to see my iPhone and took these pictures not bad for 3 years old.


Heading up to Canada, Eh!

27 07 2008

canadaThe fam and I are heading up to Canada for some R&R and to shoot a wedding. So needless to say the blog will be quite for the next week or so.

Besides I am not sure if my in-laws igloo has electricity, or the internet.

Kids say the funniest stuff.

1 07 2008

My wife took our oldest boy into Lowes with her to get some supplies for our sunroom renovation. The store was about to close so they basicly had the store to themselves. A few minutes in and this became aparent to my oldest boy who then wispered to my wife. “Mom, where are all the strangers?”

That is why I love kids. They have the best perspective!


13 05 2008

Vladstudio Dandelion 800X600Yesterday I was doing some yard work. My son was playing outside. I was pulling up by the root every dandelion in our yard. My son ran over to me visibly shaken. Saying “Dad stop! Stop killing all of the flowers.” “They are beautiful and I love them.”

So often the childlike faith that Jesus refers to in the gospels eludes me at times. I need to see plants, people and circumstances as flowers and not weeds. There is a very thin line between a flower and a weed and much of that lies in our faith-filled perspective.

Is there anything in your life or ministry that is a flower yet you treat it like a weed?

Boy #2 turns #1.

21 04 2008


We had a combo dedication/birthday party for my youngest son Sunday. It was a lot of work and a lot of fun. It is always nice to spend time with family and friends celebrating a happy occasion.

I love my family. I love my boys so much. It never ceases to amaze me how two kids can grow up in the exact same environment and be so different. My youngest is so outgoing he smiles at everyone all the time. His laugh is so infectious.

After we had our first son I didn’t think I could love another child as much as I love my oldest. But I think parenting is one of those many things that help us understand God’s nature on a small level. I have found that my love for my kids is not divided by multiplied and spread evenly. If you were to ask me which one is my favorite I could honestly tell you neither. They are so unique I could talk to you for hours about aspects about each of my boys that I love. I think on a small simplistic scale that is how God sees us.

(BTW my lovely, talented wife made the giraffe cake pictured above and her BFF made the rice crispies)

Easter Hangover.

23 03 2008

We had a great Easter Service. At our kids church the room was packed with kid from K5 to 6th grade (We combined our age groups this week for easter only). We had a great time in small groups doing age appropriate activities and when it came to the bible story you could hear a pin drop as the kids hung on every important word.

It was great to see the kids go from sadness upon hearing what Christ has done for us to joy as they heard of the account of risen saviour and what it must have been like to receive the joyous news that Jesus was alive.

The best part of the service is 12 kids made a decision to follow Christ something I never take lightly because I still remember when I made that decision during nap time at the age of 5.

What a great day. What a great saviour.

After the service we had some of our best friends over for a Luce Easter dinner, Pasta, Lamb, veggies and of course desert and coffee.

Hannah and Sean are some of our closest friends. I am so thankful for friends like them. Hannah has a great blog check it out. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery so I thought I would post some pictures of our day in true Hannah fashion.

Hope your resurrection day was a good one.





Top Toys for Christmas 2007

18 12 2007

Every year there is always a toy that people stand in long lines for. That is “flying off the shelves.” I don’t know if there is one that is doing that this year. But often I am asked what toys are the cool toys that kids want this year so I made a list of my own and included links to others lists.

In No particular Order

Nintendo Wii


Baby Alive


Air Hogs Spinmaster remote controlled helicopter.

Kid tough digital camera for girls

Hannah Montana Microphone

Strawberry Shortcake

Transformers Movie Leader Optimus Prime

CD’s or DVD’s

Those are what I think kids want from talking kids. Merry Christmas hope this helps Below are links to other lists.

Family Concluded: What makes you feel better?

11 12 2007

The Power Of Family.

At the end of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory it adds a few scenes that were not in the orginal movie. For me these last few scenes made the movie so much more powerful than the original movie with Gene Wilder. It really drove home the fact that the four kids and their parents who didn’t make it out of the factory misunderstood one thing. The power of family.

Charlie didn’t have all the things that the other kids had but he had so much more. He had a family that loved him enough to believe in him and give him boundaries to keep him safe.

Family is God’s idea he created it to be a vehicle to demonstrate his power and love. When functioning well it is a shining beacon on a hill. But we must teach our kids self-control, right priorities, we must refrain from giving our kids everything they want while giving them appropriate boundaries and teaching them to respect their elders.

Family is important we must never forget the power of family. We are bombarded daily by so many things that call themselves important but really aren’t. The spouse and/or kids God has given you are your main assignment. You only get one shot. Make the most of it.

Thoughts and Prayers for New Life Church

11 12 2007

newlifeChurch_ColoradoI received the news today as did most of you that two lives were tragically taken in the foyer of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The two people killed in this senseless act of barbarism were two sisters 18 and 16 years of age.
When I found out their age I felt sick. This year has been a rough year for me. A five year old kid from our kids church died suddenly from the flu, almost a year ago. I don’t think I will ever be the same again. I have never experienced anything like that. The hospital, the house, the funeral. It all hurts in ways words don’t describe. I sometimes feel stupid because it wasn’t my son who died. I can’t describe it but it still hurts.

It is with a heavy heart I ask you to pray for the family of these two girls whose lives where brought to and end far to early. Pray for the family, the friends and the church. Then give your kids a big kiss goodnight, I know I am going to because our lives are but a vapor.

James 4:14
Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.

Praying for New Life Church

9 12 2007

Tragedy hits home.

newlifechurch.orgMy parents and sister all attend New Life Church. My father missed the events of yesterday by 20 min. One bad thing about the information age is the fact we are bombarded by images and facts that are indescribable on a daily basis. The good thing is that I was able to hear that my family was fine before I knew that tragedy had hit. What happened yesterday was horrible. I have attended New Life quite a few times and it is a wonderful church. The pastors and people I met were all wonderful. They have been through more tragedy in one year than any church should have to face in a lifetime. I am praying for everyone affected, please join with me.